Tips to prevent high blood pressure

blood pressure check up near me

Did you know that elevated blood pressure is estimated to cause 7.5 million deaths, about 12.8% of the total of all deaths? This fact gives rise to need of controlling and maintaining normal blood pressure in patients. There are various things you can do about keeping your blood pressure within the normal levels and keep complexities at bay.

Read below some super fixes that will help to reduce and maintain blood pressure:

1. Go for power walks - This is the best free health advice to the citizens of UK. Hypertensive patients who went for fitness walks at a brisk pace lowered pressure by almost 8 mmHg over 6 mmHg. Exercise helps the heart use oxygen more efficiently, so it doesn't work as hard to pump blood and thus keeps your blood pressure normal. Get a vigorous cardio workout of at least 30 minutes on most days of the week for low blood pressure. Try increasing speed or distance so you keep challenging your ticker

2. Breathe deeply - Slow breathing and meditative practices such as qigong, yoga, and tai chi decreases stress hormones, which elevate renin, a kidney enzyme that raises blood pressure. Try 5 minutes in the morning and at night for low blood pressure. Inhale deeply and expand your belly. Exhale and release all of your tension.

3. Be salt smart (sodium): This is the most recommended natural remedies to maintain normal blood pressure. Reducing the intake of rightly feared salt can have a huge impact on your blood pressure levels. A high-sodium diet increases blood pressure in many people. In fact, the less sodium you eat, the better blood pressure control you might have.

4. Consume potassium, magnesium rich foods: Increased consumption of Potassium and Magnesium rich foods may help control blood pressure. Fruits and vegetables that are high in these minerals and fibre and low in sodium are an ideal choice especially as snacking options. Stick to whole fruits and veggies. Juice shouldn’t be preferred, because the fiber is removed. Also, nuts, seeds, legumes, lean meats, and poultry are good sources of magnesium.

5. Keep regular doctor visits: You must get your blood pressure monitored regularly. Also, visiting a private doctor clinic can be helpful. The doctor can devise a low salt diet and keep your health in check. A lot of reputed pharmacies like Rickys Chemist provide blood pressure checkups. Looking up for ‘blood pressure check up near me’ on the internet can help you find centres that check your blood pressure and also provide free health advice for UK citizens.


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